The MakeMake Digital Library offers you a unique collection, with fiction and information books from the best Latin American publishers, ideal for children and young people. Without ads, or intruders and very easy to navigate so that the little ones can read at their leisure. To enter you must search for your institution (school or library) or use your individual login passwords (if you purchased your own access) to read from home and discover a world of exclusive digital readings.When exploring the MakeMake App:- Search for your institution or enter using your username or password. - Explore the catalog you have available. - Find your favorite books using the different categories. - Know each of the contents through its descriptive sheet. - Enjoy the best books in your language available 24 hours a day. - If you do not have access through your institution or if you do not have your own account, visit us at for more options.Our books:In the MakeMake Digital Library you will find content in different formats from more than 80 Latin American publishers of proven quality with local, regional and international recognition.Interactive books:Our most read books are interactive, these have animations, interactions, music and reading aloud. The best: they are exclusive, you wont find them anywhere else!